I've been browsing some superb crafting and sewing blogs for the last few days, and finally decided that I wanted to give fabric storage baskets a go. I picked up a fat quarter on Saturday, so gave it a go using the fab tutorial here by Christina at The Sometimes Crafter.
It's been a lousy day weather wise, so I'm afraid both natural and flash it pictures look awful! The exterior fabric is a bluey/green and purple mixture. Could definitely have done with heavier interfacing though, I used a medium weight non-woven fusible, and I used it to back both layers to try and give them a little more support.
Part way through sewing up shot.
The finished article!
The sewing's not perfect and I've somehow managed to end up with my interior fabric a little bigger than the exterior, despite me cutting it smaller but to be perfectly honest, I don't mind! I'm just happy that I've got back on the sewing wagon and that I have lots of ideas for next time!